Blazero-100 (IG-100) System

Blazero-100 (IG-100) System

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    Address: 2F 4F Str., Tân Thuận Tây Ward, 7 Dist., HCM City, Viet Nam
    Contact: 028 3620-8109
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Blazero-100 (IG-100) System is environmentally friendly, does not destroy the ozone layer and leaves no residue after spraying.

Nitrogen (N2) extinguishing gas characteristics:

  • Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless gas that makes up 78% of the air around us.
  • Nitrogen gas has the lowest extinguishing gas density of all inert gases including Argon and a mixture of Nitrogen and Argon.
  • Nitrogen has the highest fire suppression efficiency. Extinguishing a fire (flame) is accomplished by reducing the oxygen concentration in the air to less than 13.9% (the density of the extinguishant to extinguish the fire).
  • Nitrogen gas is the most suitable type for an overarching fire suppression system as it does not produce thermal decomposition products and is therefore very safe for humans.
  • Nitrogen gas is not capable of producing corrosive gases in the process of thermal decomposition, does not adversely affect the environment.