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Businesses exhausted by 'higher-than-world' standards of pccc

Date: 07/08/2023 09:13 AM

The enterprise's recommendations on fire prevention and fighting standards are too high and have not been practically resolved, but recently a similar situation has appeared. Commenting on the draft on recycling costs, many businesses believe that the level in this draft is higher than the level being applied by developed countries.
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Global capital flows leave China to Vietnam and India

Date: 02/08/2023 09:41 AM

Global capital flows are leaving China for emerging markets in Asia, such as India and Vietnam, as investors are looking to places with less economic and geopolitical risk.
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Time to bring aircraft to participate in fire fighting and rescue

Date: 28/07/2023 08:53 AM

According to the fire prevention and fighting infrastructure plan for the period 2021-2030, the aircraft will participate in firefighting, rescue and rescue of high-rise buildings, vehicles on rivers, sea and forest fires.
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Date: 27/07/2023 03:05 PM

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Lam Dong: bustling movement "My house has a fire extinguisher"

Date: 27/07/2023 02:34 PM

Maybe the people of Lam Dong have never been so enthusiastic about fire prevention and fighting as they are today, all in a state of readiness to respond when "fire enemies" break out.
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Date: 26/07/2023 03:40 PM

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Secutech 2023 - Experience skills on specialized fire prevention vehicles

Date: 24/07/2023 02:14 PM

Within the framework of the International Exhibition on techniques and means of fire prevention, fire fighting and rescue and security and safety equipment in 2023 - Fire Safety & Rescue Vietnam 2023, people, students and students will be guided and practiced to experience fire fighting and escape skills on specialized fire fighting vehicles.
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Binh Duong: More than 70 gas stations closed because of fire regulations

Date: 13/07/2023 01:46 PM

More than 70 petrol and oil shops in Binh Duong province stopped operating because they did not meet the conditions for fire prevention and fighting, safe distance, etc. This affected the refueling of the business industry and people.
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Binh Duong: Big fire destroyed many properties of garment companies

Date: 11/07/2023 04:45 PM

On the afternoon of July 11, the factory of the textile company was engulfed by fire. In a short time, many assets inside were severely damaged.
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The largest international exhibition on fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam

Date: 07/07/2023 04:22 PM

The largest-scale international exhibition on fire protection and rescue ever, will take place from July 19 to 21, at the Viet Xo Friendship Labor Cultural Palace, 91 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hanoi.
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LG Group invests another 1 billion USD in Hai Phong

Date: 06/07/2023 01:46 PM

LG Innotek Hai Phong Factory project is adjusted to increase capital by 1 billion USD, implemented from 2023 - 2025, bringing the total investment capital of the project to more than 2.051 billion USD.
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When will the difficulties for businesses be solved in terms of fire prevention and fighting regulations?

Date: 05/07/2023 08:58 AM

The Ministry of Construction said that it is urgently implementing solutions to remove difficulties in fire prevention and fighting regulations to remove difficulties for businesses.
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