

Date: 02/08/2023 04:50 PM

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Global capital flows leave China to Vietnam and India

Date: 02/08/2023 09:41 AM

Global capital flows are leaving China for emerging markets in Asia, such as India and Vietnam, as investors are looking to places with less economic and geopolitical risk.
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Date: 01/08/2023 04:59 PM

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Date: 31/07/2023 05:07 PM

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Date: 28/07/2023 01:58 PM

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Time to bring aircraft to participate in fire fighting and rescue

Date: 28/07/2023 08:53 AM

According to the fire prevention and fighting infrastructure plan for the period 2021-2030, the aircraft will participate in firefighting, rescue and rescue of high-rise buildings, vehicles on rivers, sea and forest fires.
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Date: 27/07/2023 03:24 PM

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Date: 27/07/2023 03:05 PM

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Lam Dong: bustling movement "My house has a fire extinguisher"

Date: 27/07/2023 02:34 PM

Maybe the people of Lam Dong have never been so enthusiastic about fire prevention and fighting as they are today, all in a state of readiness to respond when "fire enemies" break out.
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Date: 26/07/2023 03:40 PM

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Preventing car fires in the hot season

Date: 25/07/2023 10:59 AM

According to experts of car manufacturers, registration: Hot weather is currently one of the leading causes of car fires and explosions.
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Secutech 2023 - Experience skills on specialized fire prevention vehicles

Date: 24/07/2023 02:14 PM

Within the framework of the International Exhibition on techniques and means of fire prevention, fire fighting and rescue and security and safety equipment in 2023 - Fire Safety & Rescue Vietnam 2023, people, students and students will be guided and practiced to experience fire fighting and escape skills on specialized fire fighting vehicles.
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